Alana’s Score: 3 Stars

People who’ve seen any form of live improv will probably (hopefully!) appreciate how difficult it is to review, seeing as the very nature of improv is that it’s different and ever-changing.

I guess all we’ve got to go off is the skill of the performers involved. And don’t be fooled – while there is no script or no lines to learn, good improvisation requires incredible skill, discipline and talent to keep the ball in the air.

Unplanned Melodies is a fun addition to the Factory Theatre’s Sydney Fringe lineup. They’re saying you’re in for ‘A Musical Improv Extravaganza’ and calling themselves ‘Sydney’s premier musical improv troupe’ – the latter is potentially true, as no other musical improv troupe comes to mind.

But while the show is certainly entertaining at times, don’t expect an extravaganza. The performers differ in skill level and ability, with one or two holding it all together while others take swings and miss. But the very nature of ‘impov’ is that it’s different every time, and perhaps on different nights other performers we able to hit the ball out of the park.

There’s also the question of seeing an improvised musical where not all of the performers can sing. This was a little off-putting, and did deter from the weird and whacky storylines being played out on stage.

Improv takes incredible courage, and I applaud the bravery, gusto and tenaciousness of everyone involved in Unplanned Melodies. They work hard up there, and when they get it right, it’s a home run.

Unplanned Melodies is on at the Factory Theatre, Marrickville until August 31st.

Alana Kaye – Theatre Now