“When danger’s near, exploit their fear / The end will justify the means!”

Kate’s Score:3 Reefer Zombies

Thus the last two lines of Reefer Madness, the musical satire of the 1936 cult classic film of the same name. The original film was an unabashed packing of misinformation and propaganda about marijuana. The musical (written by Kevin Murphy and Dan Studney), punches home the message that the establishment, in order to entrench its power and position, will demonise a minority group to deflect public attention from larger, more important issues.

Positioned as a P&C group, the audience is taken on the hilarious, melodramatic journey by the Lecturer/Principal (Jayden Castle) of Jimmy Harper (Jared Pallesen) and Mary Lane (Rosiey Rodrigues) as they succumb to the tragedy of smoking a reefer. The director (Robert Meek) and Enzomble (because smoking reefers turns one into a zombie) embrace the musical enthusiastically, if not with great precision and technique. In particular, articulation was at fault at times (my particular bête noire with actors) but the handling of sound mix was so mismanaged as to directly impact enjoyment. In a musical, it is critical that tech time be given to getting the levels and volumes and mix right – no matter how far into the early hours it may take you. The company will fix this, I am sure.

How reassuring that University theatrical productions are still doing what, for me, was always their raison détre – sticking it to the establishment. Student companies, such as  MUSE are important for without them there is no Monty Python or Chaser Team, so desperately needed to keep a critical eye on the world around us.

It is a charming, amusing evening from a company who is definitely on track.

Kate Stratford – Theatre Now