“If you only see one variety show during the Fringe Festival, make it this one.“
Alana Kaye
5 Stars
The Spiegeltent at The Garden of Unearthly Delights
14 Feb – 23 Mar
Adelaide Fringe Festival
If you only see one variety show during the Fringe Festival, make it this one.
Limbo – The Return comes to us from the wildly creative minds of Strut & Fret. There’s a circus feel about it, with the whips and fire breathing, but there’s also live music, bunny costumes, beautiful aerial performances, an epic tap number… and more. Not to mention an introduction to “jank” – composer Sxip Shirey’s brand new genre of underground music.
Shirey is a sound artist, creating music from the traditional (guitar, drums, keyboard, synthesiser) and the not-so traditional (harmonica, bells, a glass bowl). His sound design adds an exciting, grungy element to the vaudeville-style show.
It’s a tight cast of eight, each as talented as the next. They take turns delighting us, both individually and together. For a Saturday evening at the Fringe, our audience seemed a little subdued – the Limbo artists really needed to sing for their supper.
You’re a stronger person than I if you aren’t seduced by aerialist Maria Moncheva. Same goes for whip-cracking, fire-eating Clara Fable. Another standout is acrobat Mikael Bres, who tackles the Chinese pole with as much ease as you would peel a banana.
Each of the performers are supported and enhanced by beautiful lighting design, sparkling off the mirrored walls of the magnificent Spiegeltent and fully immersing you in a feast for all your senses.
There’s nothing rushed or frantic about this show. The performers are given time to share their gifts with us, and more importantly, we’re given time to appreciate them. It’s energetic – don’t get me wrong. But it’s a sensual caress rather than a wham bam thank you ma’am. And I appreciate that.
The place between heaven and hell… will you dare enter Limbo?
Tickets: https://adelaidefringe.com.au/fringetix/limbo-the-return-af2025
Alana Kaye, Theatre Now