Theatre Now Review: Next Chapters

"An engaging performance combining Legs on the Wall and...

Theatre Now Review: Two Sisters

Sibling relationships come into being before friendships and romance...

Theatre Now Review: My Brilliant Career

"My Brilliant Career is the kind of mainstage show...

Theatre Now Review: Twelfth Night (heads or tails)

"Sarah Greenwood’s Malvolio and Lucy Ross’ Maria were both...

Theatre Now Review: The Confessions of Jeremy Perfect

One thing the lockdown has proven (as though there...


Theatre Now Review – Katie Noonan: Jeff Buckley’s Grace

"This is one for the Katie fandom." Kate Stratford...

Theatre Now Review: Pride and Prejudice

"Hamill's two-acter doesn't stray too far from the original...

Theatre Now Review: Dark Noon

"A powerful exploration of colonisation through the frontier myth...

Theatre Now Review: Multiple Bad Things

"... stories that are at once deeply personal and...

Theatre Now Review: JFDR – ACO on the Pier

"...ethereal pixie dust sound..." Suzanne Mackay3.5 Stars Venue: Walsh Bay....