!!!!OTT Headline

Theatre Now Review: A Passage To India

"There is much to chew on for an audience. Nagle’s treatment...

Theatre Now Review: Two Sisters

Sibling relationships come into being before friendships and romance and usually...

Theatre Now Review: Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert: The Musical

"For it is a celebration and it is immense fun. We...

Theatre Now Review: Claudel

"Dancer/choreographer Meryl Tankard’s work and dancers are the particular bodies which...

On The Screen Review: Supanova

"Harry McQueen has written and directed a beautifully tragic film. Dick...


On the Screen Review: Every Little Thing

"This is also a study in fulfilling solitude, although...

Theatre Now Review: Cox & Box and other foolish fancies.

"I hope we will get to see more of...

Watch For: All About Women festival

Press ReleaseSydney Two weeks to go until All About Women...

Theatre Now Review: The Flea

""Queer culture in an age of confinement" Veronica Hannon3.5...

Watch For: Sydney Opera House Kids’ Autumn Program

The Sydney Opera House has revealed its packed autumn...