Theatre Now

Theatre Now Review: Dark Noon

"A powerful exploration of colonisation through the frontier myth of the...

Theatre Now Review: Multiple Bad Things

"... stories that are at once deeply personal and universally relevant...

Theatre Now Review: JFDR – ACO on the Pier

"...ethereal pixie dust sound..." Suzanne Mackay3.5 Stars Venue: Walsh Bay. ACO on...

Theatre Now Review: Hamlet Camp

"... a perfect payoff for the audience." Suzanne Mackay5 Stars Venue:...

Theatre Now Review- Siegfried & Roy: The unauthorised opera

"Kitschy, glitzy and snazzy" Kate Stratford4 rabbits out of the hat Venue...


Watch For: Sydney Chamber Choir

“Gentle, tender and infinitely compassionate, this is an intimate...

Watch For: Andrea Bocelli

Australia’s chance to witness the magic of ANDREA BOCELLI’S...

Theatre Now Review: No Love Songs

"quirky little musical ... a raw performance by two...

Theatre Now Review: Rabbit & Crow

"Rabbit and Crow is a stunning achievement—one that demonstrates the...

Theatre Now Review: Henry 5

"... a fierce, thought-provoking, and deeply unsettling exploration of...