!!TN Syd Reviews

Theatre Now Review: Queen Fatima

"an utterly hilarious lead performance and one that tenderly draws outsiders...

Theatre Now Review: Maureen – Harbinger of Death

"Maureen – Harbinger of Death is something so much more than...

Theatre Now Review: Twelfth Night (heads or tails)

"Sarah Greenwood’s Malvolio and Lucy Ross’ Maria were both delivered with...

Theatre Now Review: The Last Season

"It is too easy to forget about the continuing environmental threats...

Theatre Now Review: James Galea’s Best Trick Ever

"The evening starts with him at the piano and ends with...


Theatre Now Review: Dungeons & Dragons The Twenty-Sided Tavern

"A frenetic, gleeful quest for fun." Kate Stratford Venue...

Theatre Now Review: The Pigeons

"It’s farcical, it’s absurd." Julia Newbould3 psychiatrist visits KXT BroadwaySydneyThe...

Qtopia Season Launch 2025

If passion, heart and 2024 are anything to go...

Watch For: National Art School Grad Show 2024

"With so much talent on show, it’s clear the...

Theatre Now Review: People Will Think You Don’t Love Me

"The play is full of real emotion, everyday extraordinary...