13 May – 11 June 2022

Venue: Hayes Theatre

Presented by Hayes Theatre Co.

Performance Times
Tue – Sat 7.30pm
Mon 6.30pm

Matinee performances

Sat (21st & 28th) 2pm; Thu 26th 1pm

Approximate Run Time:
75 min no interval

Ticket Prices
Previews & Weekday Matinees
Full Price $63 | Concession $57

Weeknights & Saturday Matinees
Full Price $73 | Concession $67

Friday & Saturday Evenings
Full Price $79 

The violence, the joy, the costumes, the thumbtacks. Will there be blood? We bloody hope so.

Book & Lyrics by Daniel Cullen, Music by Daniel & James Cullen

Director: Sheridan Harbridge

There’s not a spare seat in the Dubbo Dome. Ozzy the Aussie Battler flicks his cape and steps into the ring, and the crowd go troppo.
This is Dubbo Championship Wrestling, the hilarious new Aussie rock musical that will change everything you thought you knew about professional wrestling, regional Australia, and musical theatre itself.

Rose, a young woman from Dub-Vegas with wrestling in her blood, has long ago turned her back on the family business and Dubbo’s stifling small-town ways. When circumstance brings her back to her hometown on the eve of Dubbomania, the biggest wrestling tournament of the year, Rose is drawn into a monumental battle over family and identity, featuring capes, choreography, and some of the most colourful characters you’ll ever meet.

The violence, the joy, the costumes, the thumbtacks. Will there be blood? We bloody hope so.

Dubbo Championship Wrestling, written by rising stars Daniel and James Cullen and directed by smackdown champion Sheridan Harbridge, has been developed through Hayes Creative Development.

Content Warning: This production contains strong coarse language, strobe lighting and haze

Musical Director & Co-Arranger  Glenn Moorhouse
Assistant Director & Stage Manager Daniel Cottier
Choreographer Ellen Simpson
Fight Director Tim Dashwood
Set & Costume Designer Ella Butler
Lighting Designer Trent Suidgeest
Sound Designer David Bergman
Costume Associate Sanica Holden
Orchestrator Cypress Bartlett
Assistant to the Choreographer Gelina Enriquez
Assistant Stage Manager Nathan Sandy
Production Secondment Melita Vertigan
Executive Producer Michelle Guthrie

Zoe Ioannou, Genevieve Lemon, Luke Leong-Tay, Noni McCallum, Terry Serio, Justin Smith, Aaron Tsindos, Bishanyia Vincent
Swings: Billie Palin, Berynn Schwerdt, William Tukia-Edwards