This is one of the most crass, crazy and sacrilegious films ever made and should be seen by all.
Con Nats
3 flying vaginas

I’m no fan of musicals but it’s hard to resist a title like this and the fact we’re assured this is the first musical written by two gays ever and features two gay men playing straight men, ever.

Trevor (Aaron Jackson) and Craig (Josh Sharp) are a pair of arrogant sexist dicks. They’re salesmen who jump the queue ahead of pregnant women and steal tips. They’re also identical twins (who don’t look anything alike) but discover, through song, they’re brothers separated at birth.

They then plot to reunite their parents, because “Single parent homes are not real family, that’s true.” This isn’t going to be easy. Mother (Megan Mullally) is an eccentric lady whose vagina has dropped and Dad (Timothy Lane) has two sewer boys in a cage – they look like cheap versions of Gollum with tails – who he loves dearly. And he’s gay.

In this bizzaro world, God is a gay Asian male (Bowen Yang) and black female rappers (Megan Thee Stallion) run companies.

Jackson and Sharp wrote the script and all the songs and seem to have a great time. The ever reliable Lane and Mullally love playing off, and on, each other and bring their comic instincts into play. I think there’s a lot of improv going on here. In one outake Lane declares his career has hit a new low but he’s in hysterics at the time.

The songs feature hilarious lyrics which are a little too self conscious, but subtlety is not one of this film’s qualities. The movie posters and titles are also fun: Lube is the new word; Everyone, Everywhere All Cum at Once. It’s that sort of humour. And with Larry Charles (Seinfeld, Borat) directing, it doesn’t hold back.

In an outake, the leads are giggling when Jackson asks Sharp “Why are you laughing?”

“I’m laughing that we’re making this movie.” It says it all.

It lacks any catchy enduring songs and the middle sags a little, but it moves on. At 86 minutes, it only just outlasts its welcome. It feels like a revue converted hastily for film but I could not deny the laughs it got.

This film finishes with a big song (God is a faggot; All love is love) and features a flying vagina. It really has at least a tongue stuck firmly in its cheek. This is one of the most crass, crazy and sacrilegious films ever made and should be seen by all. But it’s really for a gay-friendly audience only.

3 flying vaginas

Con Nats, On The Screen