In Sage Godrei’s surreal play Art for Art’s Sake the audience is taken on a journey via a series of fragmented vignettes and mythical illusion. The through story follows the life of Fran who is determinately taking the artist’s way while she continues to try to look after her angry and ailing father.
Fran is played by Sage who gives a dynamic performance ringing the changes as she is pulled and pushed by her artistic desires and society; society includes art school and her brother’s corporate world. Nicholas Papademetriou gives a solid performance as her father. These two characters and the quality of the acting make the play.
The sound effects detract rather than underpin the scenes and sometimes drown out the dialogue whereas the costumes serve to enhance the thematic concerns of the play. Well choreographed scenes work to great effect. In the brother’s corporate world his staff move like robots with repetitive gestures dressed in colourless corporate wear. In contrast, in the art gallery scene, two gay males cavort in matching shiny gold jackets as they cash in on the commodification of art.
The tensions throughout the play and tortured journey of the father and daughter culminate in an epiphany at the play’s end. Overall this is a lively and satisfying production.
Liz O’Toole, Theatre Now

12th – 15th Sep 2018

Venue: Chippen Street Theatre
Theatre Company: On the Cusp Productions
Duration: N/A