Alana’s Score: 3 stars

Alter Ego & Flight Path Theatre recently presented Sydney theatregoers with a unique opportunity to see two contemporary musicals back-to-back without having to leave the city. Ordinary Days and [title of show] were performed by two separate casts of four, and follow the lives of everyday New Yorkers.  Two very different stories, two delightful examples of modern-day musicals.

Ordinary Days is a sliding doors-style story of the interconnecting lives of four young New Yorkers. Deb loses the notes to her thesis, and Warren finds them. Little do they know what this sets in motion for Claire & Jason. It’s a moving, funny, refreshing little musical directed by Jon Emmett.

As Deb, Laura Dawson displays fabulous comedy skills and powerhouse vocals. Her use of timing is impeccable, and her rapport with Joshua Reckless (Warren) is very engaging. Reckless has great energy and brings an endearing quality to Warren. Carolyn Burke and Lincoln Elliott don’t quite have the same dynamism together as the other pair, but both work hard to tell their stories with truth and integrity.

[title of show] is a very different piece, but it’s equally as engaging. It’s a pretty wild ride, following the stories of Heidi, Hunter, Jeff and Susan as they work hard to bring the dream of a Broadway show to life. Get ready for some meta madness.

There’s a lot to love about this quirky little show, and although it runs a little long, it’s fast paced (thanks to director Sam Ducker) and the performers are vibrant and committed. Here, it’s the girls who really shine. Lauren Anne Paul as Heidi wows with her stunning voice and confident presence, and Heather Campbell as slightly neurotic Susan is a delight, putting her quirky comedy chops to great use. The lads (Michael Douglas McPhee & Isaac Downey) throw themselves into their roles with aplomb, but don’t quite seem to sparkle like their counterparts.

Talented musical director Philip Eames is a welcome addition to the set (on keys), and even gets a few charming little lines and moments of his own.

It’s a rare opportunity to see a couple of fab contemporary New York musicals so well put together in one place – in Sydney! I think it’s a great first production for Alter Ego, and I’m excited to track their progress if they plan to keep doing shows like this.

Alana Kaye – Theatre Now